Wednesday Evening Classes & Meal
We offer a wide array of activities for each member of the family from infants on up to adults. Our winter classes have come to an end. Information about our fall classes is on our EVENTS page. Our High School and Middle School ministries continue to meet throughout the summer. For more information on our student ministries, click here.
In addition to classes we offer a simple meal before our Wednesday evening activities. Come join us and fellowship together starting at 5:30 – 6:30 pm. There is a suggested donation of $3.
Iron Sharpens Iron
An open Bible Study for sharpening the application of God’s Word discussion to strengthen faith witness. Iron Sharpens Iron meets on the first and third Monday at 6:30 pm.
An open Bible Study for sharpening the application of God’s Word discussion to strengthen faith witness. Iron Sharpens Iron meets on the first and third Monday at 6:30 pm.
Tuesday Breakfast Group
Join us as we start our work day off with devotions and breakfast. Meets every Tuesday morning at Angel’s House of Pancakes from 6:30 – 7:30 am.
Join us as we start our work day off with devotions and breakfast. Meets every Tuesday morning at Angel’s House of Pancakes from 6:30 – 7:30 am.
Women’s Bible Study
Join us year-round on Wednesday evenings as we dig deeper into what God is doing in our lives as women, mothers, wives and sisters in Christ.
Women’s Fellowship
Senior Adults
Luncheons are the third Tuesday in March, May, July, September and November. Lunch begins at noon in the church fellowship hall and is open to any senior in the community. Please contact the church office to make your reservation.
Luncheons are the third Tuesday in March, May, July, September and November. Lunch begins at noon in the church fellowship hall and is open to any senior in the community. Please contact the church office to make your reservation.
Young Adults
Young Adult Bible Study
An open Bible study for all that would like to meet together and participate in a weekly study hosted by Pastor Doug.
An open Bible study for all that would like to meet together and participate in a weekly study hosted by Pastor Doug.
Activities are held throughout the year.